An ebullient welcome to all for visiting us on this website. Aristotle once said that, "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all". Keeping ourselves aligned to the school motto, ‘Tamsoma Jyotirgamaya’ (which in sanskrit means "may the light of knowledge remove the darkness of ignorance "), we the SDS DAV CENTENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL KUMARHATTI are duty -bound for the holistic development of our learners. We endeavour to create an environment congenial for righteous conduct and learning. Education awakens the power and beauty that lie within us. It does not only mean academic excellence, it rather, is a harmonious and synchronized combination of hand (psycho-motor skills), head (Intellectual Power) and heart (Value System). In the present era of digitalized world, it is the biggest challenge before educators and parents to nurture the young minds with the indelible impressions of a holistic education. Hence, we come up with a vision to foster different facets of a student in order to see him/her developing as a responsible citizen and above all a generous and sentient human being. Our pedagogy is learner– centric. We wish to impart education that helps the learners to fill their minds with inquisitiveness, innovative ideas, fearlessness and make them self- reliant to think independently and freely. We expect our learners to communicate effectively with excellence. All pertinent efforts will be made in this direction. In today’s times of deteriorating human values we pledge to inculcate and instill these basic life values through vedic culture which includes practising 'Hawan, Mantra Ucharan, Dharam Shiksha etc. We will strive hard to make our learners tech-savvy. Lastly paving the school on a right track with the guidance and cooperation of our stakeholders, I am sure that we will be able to take the school to the new heights.
Shaveta Jain